Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Iowa Breweries making Quality Beer for Quality People--IOWA CRAFT BEER TENT

The Almost completed tent
Its the day before the fair, all the work has been done, and now there is only one thing left to do, drink. I have traveled over 1,300 miles this summer visiting the amazing people that are providing the beer, cider and root beer for this event. As I sit here writing this I realize, Iowa we are one lucky group of people. We have some very talented brewers in our state along with a bunch of people that are working very hard to progress craft beer in this state. A number of these brewers could work anywhere in the country, but they choose to stay in Iowa making quality beer for quality people. Events like the Iowa Craft Beer Tent take hundreds of quality volunteers and a couple of people with the smarts to get the job done right. Scott Carlson, is the man with the idea he is the owner of the tent and along with his general manager Steve Linn, they have made this event awesome.
The beer of course is the most important atraction at the tent. With thirteen Iowa breweries  bringing twenty-eight beers and a hard cider there wont be any shortage of high-quality beverages. If there wasn't already enough, the tent is also having three regional breweries, Lucky Bucket, Goose Island and Summit. Yes I know they're out of state but us Iowans are always an inviting bunch so we might as well let them join us. Root Beer from the various Iowa breweries will  also be rotated throughout the fair also.

Marge the cow
         But whats a good beer without something to do while enjoying said beer. Well how about some music the tent will be hosting a band each night of the fair to keep all of you lovely drinkers preoccupied. Open everyday of the fair from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM the tent will become a hotspot for drinkers at the fair. With t-shirt giveaways, temporary tattoos and an online store packed full of  Craft Beer Tent Shwag to keep everyone looking nice, there will be more than enough to keep you entertained. Oh, and remember that great group of brewers I was telling you about earlier, how about you get the chance to sit and listen to a brewer talk at 10:00 and 2:00 and pick their brains with all sorts of  beer questions. Well thats about all there really is to know about the Tent I hope to see you all tommorrow morning right by the big slide at the IOWA CRAFT BEER TENT,look for the logo above. Check in later on "My Brewing Adventure"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thriving Downtown makes for thriving Brew Pub ---Court Avenue Brewing Co.

Brewpubs are a thing of wonder, they pop up in every sort of location and Court Avenue in downtown Des Moines just happens to be one of those great locations. Started in 1996 by the KC Hopps group Court Avenue Restaurant and Brewery has become a local hot spot in the downtown bar scene. Which is probably why it was later bought by now managing partner Scott Carlson in 2001. It serves as a place to grab a high quality lunch or dinner for bar goers and employees of the many downtown businesses. But even though it's located minutes away from the business district, and has a daily happy hour and delicious food you don't come to a brewery for any of that, you come for the beer. That is where Court Ave.'s brewer Mike Gauthier comes in.
Mike got interested in beer like many other people before him, he drank it. Not only did he drink it but he worked in bars around it. He basically turned into a beer geek, learning everything and anything he could about beer. He started working at Great Divide brewing in Denver Colorado and worked there for three years before coming to Court Avenue to become the assistant brewer. It wasn't long before Mike had moved from an assistant brewer to head brewer with all the creative control in the world. This control has allowed him to create five core beers brewed year round on his 7 barrel system. The beers include Two Rivers Light, Belgian White, Pointer Brown Ale , Honest Lawyer IPA and their Black Hawk Stout. They also have two premium beers their 21st amendment Ale, aged in Templeton Rye barrels and their Infatuation fermented with raspberries. They have an awesome line of seasonals, cask, and reserve beers. They also have a root beer that is used in their ever famous Root Downs, a drink consisting of Root Beer and Jagermeister a great way to start the night off. Court Ave. has become one of the best places to come and enjoy a beer in the Des Moines area, I encourage you to make your way downtown to enjoy one or two of their amazing beers.They will be at the Iowa Craft Beer Tent bringing their IPA,  and seasonals Sophie's Mild and Corn Dog Ale a Belgian style saison. I am excited to come out and by a few pints of each and I feel you should be too. Check in Later on "My Brewing Adventure"

Monday, August 8, 2011

From Wine to Iowa Made Beer--Madhouse Brewing Co.

How does a person with a degree in grape growing and wine science go from being in charge of a successful winery to being the head brewer at a craft brewery, he likes beer. Mason Groben went to UC Davis like many other brewers before him have done, but Mason went for a completely different reason; wine not beer. His parents, Jean and Paul Groben started growing grapes on their property in Newton in 2000. Once Mason had graduated from UC Davis, Jasper Winery was formed, in a refurbished warehouse. After the winery had outgrown its location in Newton and moved to Des Moines, Mason decided to start a brewery in the old winery in Newton. So after working hard to change outdated laws that prevented a person to work in two different businesses that produced alcohol, let's say a winery and a brewery, Madhouse brewery was opened in  January of 2010. With twenty investors tanks were bought and a brewery was formed in the buildings that once housed the historic Newton Maytag Corporation.
Fermentation tanks and Kettle
Luckily wine making is seasonal, which allows Mason to split his time  between the brewery in Newton and the winery in Des Moines. Splitting his time roughly 50/50 Mason brews on a 15 bbl system and has developed 6 different beers. Which is quite a feat for a person with the majority of his experience in wine who also has to split his time with a winery.  Madhouse now has its Pastime Pale and American Wheat both bottled in 12 oz bottles and a Hopburst IPA in 22 oz bombers. But most impressive is their three beers that use Iowa produced products. Sticking with his parents appreciation of Iowa grown products, Mason uses locally roasted coffee from Java Joes in Madhouse's Coffee stout, Iowa grown hops in their seasonal Iowa IPA and most recently his use of Ebert Farms honey in their summer seasonal Honey Pilsner all sold in 22 oz bombers.
Flagships Pastime and American Wheat
Madhouse can be found throughout Iowa from Okoboji to Ames, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and of course Des Moines. Jasper Winery is being used as their unofficial tasting room, located mere minutes from downtown Des Moines right off of Fleur Drive. Jasper Wines and Madhouse beer can be tried daily along with various cheeses and even chocolate pairings. But if your busy schedule doesn't allow you to get to the winery to try some Madhouse beer or you can't seem to find that beer your looking for in the store your in luck, they'll be at the Iowa Craft Beer Tent which is just a few days away. Madhouse will be bringing their Pastime Pale, American Wheat and of course the summer seasonal Honey Pilsner. Come and try them all. Check in later on "My Brewing Adventure"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Freedom the Key to Great Beer for Rock Bottom--Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery

Eric checking his serving tanks
Rock Bottom got its start in no other place than the Mecca of craft beer in the USA, Colorado. Frank Day, who had already started the Old Chicago in 1976, started Rock Bottom in 1990.  Both are now part of a merger with Craftworks Restaurants where Day sits as chairman of the board on the company that now owns Rock Bottom, Old Chicago, Gordon Biersch Brewery and Restaurants and a number of other chains of restauants. As cool as this company is and as awesome as Frank Day's story is it's not what makes Rock Bottom Des Moines or any of the other Rock Bottom locations as awesome as they are, it's of course the brewers. Rock Bottom unlike many other brewpub chains, give their brewers the freedom to create whatever masterful brews they want.This is probably why they have won as many awards over the years as they have, and Eric Sorensen the head brewer at Rock Bottom Des Moines is no exception.
Outside Rock Bottom Des Moines
           Eric has won many awards over the years but doesn't want to be judged by what awards he has won; instead he'd rather see people enjoy his beer. Eric has been brewing for 19 years and has attended UC Davis and the Siebel Institute for brewing, but like many other brewers he didn't start out wanting to be a brewer but just fell into it. Eric attended the University of California, San Diego for anthropology and Spanish Literature. He then went on to the University Of Virginia for his masters in Anthropology, but quickly realized he it wasn't what he wanted to continue to do. So moving back to California and meeting his wife Eric was at a loss for what he was going to do and like many others he loved drinking beer and decided he was going to make it for a living. Starting out as an assistant brewer in northern California and eventually moving up to head brewer he was making his way as a brewer. He worked at various breweries and even a winery in the California area before deciding to move Iowa, where his wife was originally from.
         He shortly became the brewer at Rock Bottom in 2004 and we arrive where we are now with Eric making amazing beer. Eric has up to 16 different beers on tap at anytime and I while making my visit  tried every single one, including some barrel aged beers. But sadly enough when you attend the Iowa Craft Beer Tent you will not be able to get all of the 16 beers that Eric and Rock Bottom has to offer, so you'll have to go Rock Bottom in West Des Moines right off of University. He is planning on bringing his Liquid Sun Wheat, the Rock Bottom white and the Rock Bottom IPA. Come out to the Iowa Craft Beer Tent which is less than a week away, and try all three. Check in later on "My Brewing Adventure"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Brewery Starts with a Curious but Blurry Mind- Olde Main Brewing Co.

Brewer "Puff" Irvin
I met brewer Jeff "Puff" Irvin (pictured right) and sales manager Martin Fox late in the evening after many beers at the Iowa Craft Beer Festival, in a similar setting as what their brewery Olde Main got its start; intoxicated. Puff who got his nick name at birth, sat one night after a few beers with Ames bar owner Scott Griffen reminising of a ski trip they had taken to colorado, and all the awesome beer they had drank. Puff who was a mere bartender at the time along with Scott decided they should send Puff, a recent graduate from Iowa State's Biology department, to The University of California Davis Brew Masters program  and open a brewery right in their very own Ames Iowa.
Puff got his interest in everything alcohol while bartending at the Corner Pocket just down the street from where Olde Main now sits. He would get questions about this alcohol or that beer and to as he said "not look stupid" he learned about it all. So what else to do but head to California and open Olde Main Brewing Co. which he did in October of 2004 when they opened their doors to many thirsty beer drinkers.
Crowded Cooler of Brite Tanks
Brewing on a 15 barrel system Olde Main brews 6 year round beers and a plethora of seasonals and special beers. They started distributing in 2008 after word of Olde Main spread through the state, now the shelves are littered with Olde Main beer. But I along with my grandpa and uncle decided to go check it out for ourselves. After Puff had given my two tag-alongs a brief tour and I had taken some pictures we sat down to eat a great meal and try a few beers. My grandpa fell in love with the "Dinkey" a Belgian wheat  beer that will be one of three beers they will be bringing to the Iowa Craft Beer Tent. They will also be bringing their Sodbuster Stout and Clone Ale. So if you happen to be watching the Cyclones getting beat in Ames by the Hawkeyes (go HAWKS!!) or are just passing through stop in to Olde Main and have an awesome meal or an even better beer. But if you're like me and rarely make it to Ames then stop at the Iowa Craft Beer Tent and try one of these amazing beers. Check in later on "My Brewing Adventure"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Floods, the ingredient for a dream-- Angry Cedar Brewing Co.

Brew house at Angry Cedar
When a person thinks of a brewery, most of the time they reminisce back to  scenes  from Laverne and Shirley where bottles scooted down massive conveyor belts or that trip to a local brewpub where small copper vats sparkled behind a sheet of glass, but what about a garage? That's exactly what Scott Hamerlinck owner and brewer at Angry Cedar Brewing Co., thinks of.
Scott who is an ex-marine, started homebrewing in his garage with his friends and family on the weekends. Soon enough his hobby became a passion and his basement became cluttered with glass carboys fermenting away his various ales, but that passion was nearly swept away in 2008. The floods of 2008, anyone who was in Iowa at the time remembers how devastating they were and Scott and the Waverly area were not missed. The floods caused by the Cedar River nearly destroyed Scotts house, the only thing not swept away by the flood, his glass carboys. This was a sign to Scott he knew that beer was his calling. So the next year he took a class through the Chamber of Commerce in Waverly and Angry Cedar Brewing Co. was born, toting a tag line "When life gives you water, make beer".
Fermenters at Angry Cedar
Scott didn't jump right into a full production brewery nor did he quit his job. Scott brewed on the nights and weekends, trying to perfect his craft, as he worked as a computer programmer.  He renovated a small place in Waverly to serve as his brewery, a space that would remind most of a garage before a brewery but it gets the job done. The space is being productive enough for Scott to finally quit his job as a programmer and become a fulltime brewer. Angry Cedar has done three different beers so far, a Chocolate Porter,  his Sandbagger Maibock, and his staple the Angry Amber which can be found on the shelves of Hy-vees and on tap at various places in Waverly. Scott is also in the process of making a Witte, which might show up in 15 days at the Iowa Craft Beer Tent. Which ever beer shows up, make sure to come out and taste what Scott has to offer. Check in later on "My Brewing Adventure"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"We have both kinds of beer Bud and Bud light" Changing times--Racoon River Brewing Co.

Outside view of Brewhouse
"I walked into a bar  to eat dinner and asked what kind of beer they had and the waitress said "We have both kinds of beer Bud and Bud Light" that was the atmosphere when we opened the brewery"  That is a quote from Dave Coy brewer at Raccoon River Brewing Co. in Des Moines Iowa. Dave is a Des Moines native who moved to Colorado after graduating from Iowa State University with a teaching degree. Dave, who was an avid home brewer, got involved with the Brewers Association shortly after moving out to Colorado. During his work with the BA he met now governor of Colorado John Hickenlooper. Hickenlooper was one of the original founders of Wynkoop Brewing Co., a brewpub based in Denver Colorado. Wynkoop was opening a number of brewpubs throughout the country; they were planning one in Des Moines, Iowa. When Dave heard of this he jumped at the chance to get back to Des Moines and Raccoon River was born.
Back room at Raccoon River
Raccoon River opened in 1997 and as you saw by the quote earlier Des Moines didn't have much of a craft beer scene , but that didn't stop Dave from making what he thought would propel the brewery forward. The Bandit IPA was the hoppiest beer in the state when Raccoon River opened and it took a lot of people off guard. Now there is an even more intense version the Bandito Loco a Double IPA that barely even phases people. This is just a sign of how the beer world has changed in our state. Raccon River was a brewery who was making full flavored  high quality beers before there were many beers of that caliber in the state. Their beers have stood the test of time and along with their great food and awesome atmosphere Raccoon River is one of the best places in Des Moines to enjoy a good beer. So for you non Des Moines readers out there who have never had the chance to enjoy one of Dave's amazing beers you're in luck that they will be having their beers on tap at the Iowa Craft Beer Tent. Dave will be bringing his staple the Bandit IPA, a Pilsen that he recently just made and his wheat beer. Make sure to go try them all at the Iowa Craft Beer Tent, coming up right around the bend. Check in later on "My Brewing Adventure"