Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The First Hiccup

So the other day I opened my closet to check my fermenter, to find the bucket covered in foam and partially fermented beer. Talk about a mess, wow. I have came to the conclusion that I had filled my fermenter too full. By doing this there wasn't enough room for the fermentation to take place, and therefore it escaped through the easiest spot, the air lock. I originally had hoped  that the first mishap was going to fix itself. But when I woke up the next morning I found the foam starting to slowly leak back through. To correct this I emptied a small amount of the partially fermented beer out, I know I had  to waste beer, but it seems like it has fixed the problem thus far. The only other reason and one I hope didn't happen, is I acquired a wild yeast or gusher bug. The wild yeast, the way I understand it would not stop fermenting until there was nothing left eating away at all the carb protein and sugars in my beer leaving me with not beer but lame alcoholic water. This isn't all wild yeast, some will just change the flavor of the beer. I hope that neither has happened, we'll find out when it comes closer to bottling time.

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