Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cute Little Stubs

So after the second day of bottling and my third day overall at the brewery I was at a loss of what to write about. Then I remembered a conversation that we had yesterday at the brewery, talking about the bottles. Peace Tree's bottles have a unique shape and look that make them stand out from every other beer bottle on the shelf. They became the "Puple Cow" in the craft beer market because they, as far as I know from the different breweries available around here, they are the only ones who use these short stubby bottles. I was amazed to find out that the recyclable, reuseable bottles cost the companya fair share more than the others that are availaible. They also are hard get, which lead to there bottling being delayed as some of you might already know. Now you would never think that a company would go through all this hassle just for something like a bottle, but they do.  The bottles are what make Peace Tree stand out on the shelves the battlefront of the beer industry. So even though it might cost them more and by switching to the standard 12 oz bottles they would cut their variable cost down tremendously. This shows me that sometimes the cheapest way isn't always the best, something that alot of other companies should think about more often. Check in tomorrow on "My Brewing Adventure"


  1. I agree with you. The cheapest isnt always the best and I thnink that speaks for more than just beer bottles as well. I appreciate the extra cost and consideration that they are putting into purchasing recyclable bottles. It means a lot to me as a cusumer who cares about the environment and sustainable practices.
    Is there any thing else that is unique about the company that could set them apart from the rest?

  2. Um I'm not for sure jesse ill have to check !
