Friday, June 17, 2011

Peace Tree Brewing Company - My Home away from home.

Peace Tree Brewing 107 Main Knoxville
Joe Patiently watching his boil
 So the first brewery that I will be writing about on this grand adventure for the Iowa Craft Beer Tent is my home away from home Peace Tree Brewing Co. I landed an internship at Peace Tree after doing an interview for a class project, and I havent left since.  Megan and Scott Ziller a husband and wife duo bought the run down  building that now houses the brewery because it was right across the street from their already established insurance agency, McKay Insurance.  After tossing around ideas of what to do with the building they ,along with Megans father Dan, decided what better thing than a microbrewery. So in the spring of '09 the Megan and Scott began developing the business plan that would become Peace Tree Brewing Co.,a name which the acquired from a local indian meeting spot.  Scott who was a homebrewer and had at first thought he would be the one doing the brewing, but the crew soon decided that they needed a professional. They hired Joe Kesteloot an ISU grad, who had been brewing with Cold Spring brewing in Cold Spring Minnesota. Joe started developing recipes and after fixing up the building and implementing their 20 barrel system Peace Tree Brewing Co. was underway in the spring of '10.
The award winning Blonde Fatale
 Since opening the brewery has expanded with more fermenters, more employees and continues to grow expanding their brand to four year round beers and many seasonals, one of which the Blonde Fatale just won a bronze medal at the North American Brewers Association. The brewery houses a tap-room open Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays where the fine people of Knoxville can come in and enjoy a pint or two of beer or even soda, but beware when drinking the 8.5% Blonde Fatale she'll sneak up on you.
Believe me when I say that Peace Tree is excited for the Iowa Craft Beer Tent and the opportunity to share their passion and their beer with the rest of the state. Peace Tree plans on bringing their Hop Wrangler IPA, My personal favorite and one of their seasonals the Hefeweizen. Come check out Peace Tree if your lucky  I'll even give you a tour if not make sure to stop by the Iowa Craft Beer Tent during the State fair and give em a whirl.

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