Friday, May 6, 2011

A Day In the Office

So today was the first day that I've seen the business side of things since I started working at the brewery and it was definitely exciting."said with sarcasm btw" All joking aside the stuff I did today was actually pretty interesting, but it was very long and tedius work. Working out of my cozy little office,(a small back conference room) I entered  information into the computer on the brewery production schedule. It was pretty nuts making sure that the right fermenters were getting used and that the brite tanks were open at the times they needed to be for packaging. It was not an easy task and I commend them for doing it all thus far. It was also nuts trying to figure out what amount of beer needed to go to the distributor,self distribution and the tap room. It was a lot of looking at a calendar and making estimates on what would be needed by using what had been used in the past. It was a lot of work today but Megan got me a good meal and I survived. Tomorrow I will be following Joe (the master brewer)and hopefully help as much as I can and try to stay out of his was the rest of the time. Check it out tommorow on My Brewing Adventure. And just to let everyone know I am writing this a day behind so even though you'll read this on Friday its talking about my Thursday :)

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